
Showing posts with label weight loss. Show all posts
Showing posts with label weight loss. Show all posts

Sunday, 26 April 2015

Healthy Living - KEFIR !

When you see the below symptoms in your health you can judge yourself that your health is not in a proper shape and it needs correction .

Here are 11 common  symptoms :
  1. Skin and nail fungal infections 
  2. Feeling tired and worn down
  3. Digestive issues such as bloating, constipation, or diarrhea
  4. Weak Immunity which makes you ill very often
  5. Difficulty concentrating, poor memory, lack of focus ( regularly , sometimes though its ok to feel these symptoms )
  6. Skin  issues such as eczema (a medical condition in which patches of skin become rough and inflamed with blisters which cause itching and bleeding)  or  rashes
  7. Irritability, mood swings, anxiety, or depression
  8. Vaginal infections , urinary tract infections,  vaginal itching
  9. Severe seasonal allergies or itchy ears
  10. Strong sugar and refined carbohydrate cravings 
  11. Weight Gain 
 Any of the above  symptoms prove that your gut  or stomach is not healthy as according to ayurveda all the disease originate from stomach and if your stomach is healthy so are you . A healthy  person with no diseases is energetic and  positive because physical health also effects our psychological health .

For a Healthy body i strongly recommend KEFIR ! Since kefir has so much nutrients and friendly elements that it helps to cure the above diseases very easily . The best part is that kefir can be easily made with milk at home . To know how to make kefir , check my  other articles in this blog ) .KEFIR helps to heal your gut .
DOSAGE of KEFIR : If you feel the above symptoms then you should start with only 2 - 3 spoons of kefir in initial stages  and increase its quantity slowly and gradually once your body gets use to drinking it . Kefir is like drinkable yogurt . It taste similar like yogurt but is little sour than yogurt .
Introducing  kefir  in your diet will surely remove all the above symptoms slowly or gradually .

Dosage Tip : If you want to get rid of above mentioned  problems fast then reduce your quantity of sugar and refined carbohydrates while taking kefir in your diet .

Saturday, 25 April 2015

Weight Loss and Probiotics

Probiotics contain all necessary nutrients that help you stay healthy and fit . They help normalise gastronomical flora , which gets depleted after taking antibiotics or  after suffering from infection. Probiotics keep gut healthy and prevents us from any diseases .

You can call probiotics as a dietery food which provides nutrition to our body and helps to remain fit . Taking probiotics along with a low fat diet and some exercise also assist in loosing weight and once lost managing weight too .One of the most powerful and natural probiotics is KEFIR as its is made from milk so its is 100% safe and superhealthy . When you want to loose weight make kefir using low-fat milk . ( if you want to know how to make KEFIR , check other article in my blog ) .You may also find  KEFIR in supermarkets but i don't recommend it as supermarket kefir goes through a process of pasterisation to increase  its shelf life  and this process  destroys many nutrients while in the making process and so it is not that effective . So always make KEFIR at home to get its maximum benefits and loose weight early and fast .

Studies have proved that ladies who take probiotics  regularly loose more weight because the nutrients present in probiotics destroys the bad elements in our stomach which are responsible for weight gain and thus they help in loosing weight .To get slimming effect , it is recommended to   take probiotics ( i always recommend natural and home made like KEFIR ) along with a healthy diet and diet high in fibre . This combination will surely and naturally help you loose weight with out any sideeffects . Also it has been proved that if your gut is healthy so you will lose weight more easily and KEFIR helps to maintain healthy gut flora thus is a superfood to help you loose weight .

DOSAGE : If you are starting to take probiotics for teh first time in life i recommend that you start with a small dosage ( 2- 3 spoons of kefir ) and later increase your intake once you get used to it .

KEFIR other benefits : Girls , ladies and women you will be glad to know that  taking  natural probiotics like KEFIR also helps to remove acne , is an anti aging product and also brings glow to your skin as it is 100 % natural and home made .

How to loose weight - KEFIR

#Weight management and #weight reduction are on top of our minds to stay healthy . A fit  body not only is confident but also active and  appealing  . In today's stressful life most of us dont have time to hit the gyms or do yoga or simply to cook nutritious , healthy and fat free food for our own selves .

With the advent of technology our  lifestyles  are  going more sedentry and very less we go out to play but love to shop in malls or catch on a recent flick with friends . But if we take  a small step in taking care of our health our body will surely love it . And we can do all this by drinking this super nutritious power drink called #KEFIR.

#KEFIR is a fermented drink made from kefir cultures which have been present on this earth  even  2000 years ago but our generation doesnnot know about this super natural immunity booster food .

Taking a glass of # KEFIR drink as breakfast in the morning not only fuels our body with energy but also provides lot of essential nutrients , minerals , protein , calcium which otherwise are missing from our diets .

Not only it helps us in loosing weight but also rebuilds many cells in the body thereby repairing our internal bodies .The nutrients and beneficial probiotics present in Kefir helps in solving the below problems :

Once our gut is free from these diseases it functions well and don't allow toxins or bad bacteria to stay and doesnot allow fat to build up as our internal system gets detoxified . When the system gets detoxifiied we automatically loose weight . In today's time # KEFIR is the most easy and inexpensive way to loose kilos . Combine it with a healthy lunch and dinner and yippe !!! you have done enough for your body even if you dont have time to go for a walk or jog or gym or aerobics .

Introducing #KEFIR to your daily breakfast will give you all the necessary #PROBIOTICS that will help in making your body slimmer and loosing weight .The best part is it is 500 % natural if made at home . Check out other articles in my blog to learn how to make #KEFIR .