
Showing posts with label healthy gut. Show all posts
Showing posts with label healthy gut. Show all posts

Sunday, 11 October 2015

Headache Cures with Kefir !

Continuous and rampant headache is an important symptom and signal of our body to inform us that our body is not healthy . Frequent headache not only interupts in our daily life but also keep us ill and lazy and dizzy .

Frequent Headache occurs when the bad bacteria in our body outgrows the good bacteria and kills the good bacteria . Probiotics are rich source of good bacteria which helps to restore the balance of intestinal flora and make us healthy and active . They not only gives us energy and make us active but also helps to increase metabolism . Regularly taking kefir in our diet provides us necessary nutrients and probiotics . Probiotics are the main source of good bacteria which are the main building blocks of our human body .You can take kefir with a fruit or make a smoothy or use it as a salad dressing , add herbs and spices and make it more eatable .
Pure kefir grains are a source of pure and real kefir and pre kefir is a souce of pure good bacteria which is the main source of energy .Pure kefir grains are available on this blog or you can also buy them from . Wish you Happy Kefiring !!!

Wednesday, 27 May 2015

Kefir Health Benefits

Kefir Health Benefits 

Call us @ 011-45000936

Kefir is completely natural and  home made  fermented milk drink which  has tremendous health benefits to human body. It is high in nutrients and probiotics and is incredibly healthy for digestion and gut health .

1) Helps in controlling  Acne

The probiotics  and other microflora  present  in kefir improves the overall gut flora thus stopping the oil production  and controlling the acne formation and gradually depleting them  .

2) Helps in weight loss

Kefir when made from low fat milk is an excellent source of proteins , calcium , probiotics  and is a complete -complete breakfast . Proteins present in kefir keeps the body full and dont  let the person feel hungry . Kefir when consumed as a part of reduced calorie meal diet helps to reduce weight and get slim. Whole-milk fruit-flavored kefir products, however, aren’t the best choice for weight loss because they are higher in calories.The best kefir choices for weight loss are low-fat, plain kefirs because they contain fewer calories, saturated fat and added sugar than whole-milk, fruit-flavored kefirs.

3) Helps in Detoxification

Since kefir kills the bad bacteria in the body thus  it helps in detoxification of the whole system and improves micro flora in the gut thus restoring harmonious balance  and detoxifying the body . When detoxification happens person looses weight naturally .

4) Helps to biuld immunity

Regular drinking kefir helps build immunity as it is naturally  antibacterial and kills bad bacteria in the gut which increases immunity .

5) Rich source of Nutrients

Kefir is a rich source of many nutrients like calcium , proteins and B vitamins . It contains a wide variety of bioactive compounds, including organic acids and peptides that contribute to its health benefits. A 175 ml (6 oz) serving of milk kefir contains:
  • Protein: 6 grams.
  • Calcium: 20% of the RDA.
  • Phosphorus: 20% of the RDA.
  • Vitamin B12: 14% of the RDA.
  • Riboflavin (B2): 19% of the RDA.
  • Magnesium: 5% of the RDA.
  • A decent amount of vitamin D.

6)  Kefir is more powerful than yogurt

Kefir has around 60 strains of probiotics bacteria compared to yogurt which has only six . Thus kefir has many more probiotics   when compared with  yogurt  and is very super beneficial . It helps in proper digestion , weight management  and mental health . One serving of kefir will give you 20 %  of your daily calcium intake and is only 90 calories ( made from full fat milk ) , as compared to the 150 calories in yogurt made from whole milk. Protein-wise, kefir also wins—one serving is 6 grams of protein.

7) Builds Bone Density

Osteoporosis is characterized by deteriotation  of bone tissue  &  is especially common among elderly women, and dramatically raises the risk of fractures.Kefir made from dairy is an excellent source of calcium. In the case of full-fat dairy, it also contains vitamin K2. These nutrients have major benefits for bone health. Ensuring an adequate calcium intake is one of the most effective ways to improve bone health, and slow the progression of osteoporosis .

8)  Kefir is Antibacterial

Kefir is considered to have antibacterial,properties and thus  helps in protection against infections . Kefir contains the probiotic Lactobacillus kefiri, and the carbohydrate kefiran, both of which can protect against harmful bacteria.

9)  Helps in Digestion

Probiotics present in kefir helps restore the balance of  friendly bacteria in the gut and are thus helps to solve many digestion problems like  IBS , Leaky gut , Bloating , Indigestion and improves the overall functioning of the colon .

10) Kefir good for Lactose intolerant

Since kefir is made by fermenting the milk thus it can be easily digested by people who are lactose intolerant . Thus there will be no problem to them while consuming kefir .

11) Kefir may be protective against cancer

Cancer is one of the world’s leading causes of death.It occurs when there is an uncontrolled growth of abnormal cells in the body, such as a tumor. The probiotics in fermented dairy products are believed to inhibit tumor growth by reducing formation of  certain compounds, as well as by stimulating the immune system thus preventing us against cancer . however studies are still going on in this regard .

12) Kefir helps to tighten the skin

Regular drinking kefir helps in tightning the skin tissues and prevent sagging and thus lead to healthy and firm skin . The probiotics present in kefir helps in collagen production which leads to a fresh glowing skin .

13) Kefir helps in lowering of Blood pressure

Probiotics found in kefir helps may help  in lowering of blood pressure  when consumed regularly .

14)  Kefir is  Relaxer

Kefir is  a great source of tryptophan which is  amino acid found in some foods that has a calming effect on your nervous system and gives you that warm, relaxed feeling. If you’re stressed and battling insomnia, have a cupppa before bed as a nightcap and instantly feel more relaxed  Or, have some for breakfast to start your day on a relaxed and not jittery note.

15) Kefir helps cure Bloating

The imbalance of microflora in the gut is the main reason of Bloating .  Natural Probiotics found in kefir helps cure bloating as it replenish the gut with good nutrients  and micro flora .

16) Phosphorus

Phosphorus is the second most abundant mineral is our bodies, and it's also found in kefir in significant quantities. This is good news because phosphorus is needed to help our bodies use carbohydrates and proteins for cell growth and energy. Drink up!

17)  Good Source of K2

Kefir is a very good source of Vitamin K2 which helps in the absorbtion of calcium in bones and teeth and assist in metabolism .

18 ) Helps in Healing Wounds

Kefir is anti microbial and anti inflammatory and thus helps in healing wound fast .

19) Helps to treat Vaginal Infection

Since kefir is anti fungal and anti bacterial thus it helps to treat vaginal infection and also prevent it to occur .

20) Cure Gastrointestinal problems

 The friendly  microflora present in Kefir  helps to treat any kind of gastrointestinal problem  like indigestion , gas or upset stomach .

Sunday, 26 April 2015

Healthy Living - KEFIR !

When you see the below symptoms in your health you can judge yourself that your health is not in a proper shape and it needs correction .

Here are 11 common  symptoms :
  1. Skin and nail fungal infections 
  2. Feeling tired and worn down
  3. Digestive issues such as bloating, constipation, or diarrhea
  4. Weak Immunity which makes you ill very often
  5. Difficulty concentrating, poor memory, lack of focus ( regularly , sometimes though its ok to feel these symptoms )
  6. Skin  issues such as eczema (a medical condition in which patches of skin become rough and inflamed with blisters which cause itching and bleeding)  or  rashes
  7. Irritability, mood swings, anxiety, or depression
  8. Vaginal infections , urinary tract infections,  vaginal itching
  9. Severe seasonal allergies or itchy ears
  10. Strong sugar and refined carbohydrate cravings 
  11. Weight Gain 
 Any of the above  symptoms prove that your gut  or stomach is not healthy as according to ayurveda all the disease originate from stomach and if your stomach is healthy so are you . A healthy  person with no diseases is energetic and  positive because physical health also effects our psychological health .

For a Healthy body i strongly recommend KEFIR ! Since kefir has so much nutrients and friendly elements that it helps to cure the above diseases very easily . The best part is that kefir can be easily made with milk at home . To know how to make kefir , check my  other articles in this blog ) .KEFIR helps to heal your gut .
DOSAGE of KEFIR : If you feel the above symptoms then you should start with only 2 - 3 spoons of kefir in initial stages  and increase its quantity slowly and gradually once your body gets use to drinking it . Kefir is like drinkable yogurt . It taste similar like yogurt but is little sour than yogurt .
Introducing  kefir  in your diet will surely remove all the above symptoms slowly or gradually .

Dosage Tip : If you want to get rid of above mentioned  problems fast then reduce your quantity of sugar and refined carbohydrates while taking kefir in your diet .

Saturday, 25 April 2015

Weight Loss and Probiotics

Probiotics contain all necessary nutrients that help you stay healthy and fit . They help normalise gastronomical flora , which gets depleted after taking antibiotics or  after suffering from infection. Probiotics keep gut healthy and prevents us from any diseases .

You can call probiotics as a dietery food which provides nutrition to our body and helps to remain fit . Taking probiotics along with a low fat diet and some exercise also assist in loosing weight and once lost managing weight too .One of the most powerful and natural probiotics is KEFIR as its is made from milk so its is 100% safe and superhealthy . When you want to loose weight make kefir using low-fat milk . ( if you want to know how to make KEFIR , check other article in my blog ) .You may also find  KEFIR in supermarkets but i don't recommend it as supermarket kefir goes through a process of pasterisation to increase  its shelf life  and this process  destroys many nutrients while in the making process and so it is not that effective . So always make KEFIR at home to get its maximum benefits and loose weight early and fast .

Studies have proved that ladies who take probiotics  regularly loose more weight because the nutrients present in probiotics destroys the bad elements in our stomach which are responsible for weight gain and thus they help in loosing weight .To get slimming effect , it is recommended to   take probiotics ( i always recommend natural and home made like KEFIR ) along with a healthy diet and diet high in fibre . This combination will surely and naturally help you loose weight with out any sideeffects . Also it has been proved that if your gut is healthy so you will lose weight more easily and KEFIR helps to maintain healthy gut flora thus is a superfood to help you loose weight .

DOSAGE : If you are starting to take probiotics for teh first time in life i recommend that you start with a small dosage ( 2- 3 spoons of kefir ) and later increase your intake once you get used to it .

KEFIR other benefits : Girls , ladies and women you will be glad to know that  taking  natural probiotics like KEFIR also helps to remove acne , is an anti aging product and also brings glow to your skin as it is 100 % natural and home made .