
Showing posts with label kefir weightloss. Show all posts
Showing posts with label kefir weightloss. Show all posts

Thursday, 8 October 2015

Fighting Fatigue with KEFIR

 In our general lifestyles we live  in stress  managing home and work together so we generally forget to keep a track of what we put inside our body . Completely unaware of which food  will impact our body we unconciously eat whatever we  see. If we can get maggi or pizza or momos or patty or samosa nearby we eat it just becoz it is readily available .All this food makes you sluggish day by day as it has no nutrients available in it but just it fills our stomach .

In today's busy life ,  least we can do is to  keep our breakfast healthy  so that even in our remaining day if getting busy in our work we can't focus on our diet atleast breakfast we can focus  . Breakfasts should be very nutritious and healthy . Introducing kefir in your breakfast will give you all necessary probiotics needed to fight lazyness or sluggishness .

Only after taking in 3 days for a test you will notice that your energgy is back and you no more feel lazy or tired . Your everyday is filled with energy and vitality . KEFIR is made using kefir grains which can be bought from . They give pure natural kefir grains .

You will be happy to know that kefir not only gives you energy and makes you feel light but also assist in weight loss . Even if weightloss is not your motive it will make your body healthy from within as kefir nourishes your complete body as  Kefir kills bad elements in your body .

Everytime your eat or drink you are either feeding disease or fighting it !

So lets fight diseases together by drinking KEFIR daily .