
Showing posts with label liver damage treatment. Show all posts
Showing posts with label liver damage treatment. Show all posts

Thursday, 23 April 2015

KEFIR and Liver

KEFIR has many reputed health benefits . Drinking kefir as a staple food  you can live long and disease free .  This nutritional beverage when consumed daily can have an astonishing effect on your health without any side effects .

KEFIR & Liver Health

Drinking alcoholic beverages excessively can reduce the number of healthy bacteria in your digestive tract. Heavy alcohol drinkers seem to have less amount of good  flora in the body which leads to liver damage .Drinking KEFIR on a daily basis gives all necessary probiotics to the gut and thus helps liver's health .

Apart from controlling  liver damage  ,  Kefir has apleanty of HEALTH BENEFITS :

1) Kefir helps in controlling Liver damage by providing all nutrients and keeping GUT clean and healthy  .

2) It is natural  and strongest antibiotic .

3) It helps to remove any kind of allergy in human body .

4) It helps to strength collagen - protein required in making skin beautiful and healthy  .

5) Kefir is helpful in treating any disease related to  gallbladder( helps in dissolving gallbladder stones), kidney stones, irritable bowel syndrome, gastritis,  ulcers, colon cancer, candida, hypertension,  inflammatory diseases, heart disease, lung infections and acne.

6) It helps in  diarrhea, constipation, sleeping disorders, depression, yeast infection, arthritis,  stomach disorders, stomach cramps, chronic intestine infections, liver infections, asthma, bronchitis,  anemia, hepatitis, and  immune disease .

7) Kefir  lowers levels of LDL cholesterol, cleans the gastrointestinal tract, stop growth of cancer cells, reduces the size of tumors, speeds up healing processes, cleans blood vessels, boosts energy, normalizes metabolism, nourishes hair,

8) It helps  regulates blood pressure, lowers blood sugar, lowers blood lipid (fat) levels, promotes healthy bowel movement, has anti-stress properties, eliminates vaginal odors, cures wrinkles, cures migranes, detoxifies the body, prevents metastasis, and cures bad morning breath.

9) Kefir is believed to have anti aging properties and  provides our body with all necessary anti oxidants .

10) Kefir also removes heavy metals from our bodies, salts, chemicals, and alcoholic products .

11) KEFIR is a source if complete nutritional punch as it  contains many vitamins, minerals, amino acids and enzymes - calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, vitamin B, B2, B3, B6, B12, Folic Acid, vitamin K, vitamin A and vitamin D .

12) Kefir improves the brains neuro functions - our reflexes, memory retention, attention, the five senses.

13) Kefir also helps in calming the inflammation of the gut .