Kefir Benefits
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kefir benefits
The Best thing you can do if you love yourself and your health is to drink kefir daily .....why ? read below to find out ......
- Kefir acts as a natural antibiotic due to the fact that it prevents the growth of harmful bacteria
- Drinking kefir helps to balance your blood sugar and may be helpful for those with blood sugar imbalances.
- It has been known to help those with diarrhea and leaky gut syndrome
- Kefir contains lots of phosphorus, which is the second most abundant mineral in our body
- Kefir gives you energy!
- It helps detoxify the body
- Drinking kefir can help your body combat allergies
- It helps rid the body of candida
- Supports healthy blood pressure
- Supports a healthy brain
- Supports healthy joints
- Kefir eats up extra sugar in your body
- Kefir is full of amino acids
- It’s delicious and versatile.
- Supports healthy digestive system
- Supports regular bowel movements
- Contains high amounts of minerals
- Kefir is a complete protein
- It’s abundant in tryptophan, which is relaxing to the nervous system
- Contains an abundance of calcium and magnesium which are supportive to a healthy nervous system
- Rich in enzymes that help us digest our food
- Contains high amounts of protein
- It’s very filling and great for weight loss
- If you have taken antibiotics kefir will help repopulate your digestive tract with healthy bacteria
- Kefir contributes to, enhances, and stabilizes the microorganisms of the intestines.
- Kefir can actually colonize the digestive tract with additional beneficial bacteria; yogurt just feeds the good bacteria you already have in your digestive tract
- Kefir has been consumed by people with AIDS, chronic fatigue syndrome, cancer and herpes.
- Kefir has been known to help those with sleep disorders, ADHD and depression.
- It helps to reduce flatulence
- Nursing mothers who drink kefir help support the immune system of their nursing babies
- Kefir is also rich in vitamin B-12, vitamin K and biotin.
- Especially safe and nutritious for children